Snow Dragon Yellow Buds Chinese Yellow Tea 1oz

Current stock: 39


Hand crafted in small batches in the An Hui province of China, this unique Yellow tea features a small sturdy leaf that yields a deeply floral sweet flavor that lingers on the tongue.
Insider Tip: Another offering from a small grower, this tea is produced by taking a green tea through a process called yellowing. This brings out a more mellow flavor, lessening the atringency some green teas have. Infuse this tea at least three times to experience all the subtle flavors.
Caffeine Level: Low.
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The rarest of the six classes of tea, yellow tea is only produced in China, in the high mountains of Hunan, Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces. Pickers gather only the bud by breaking it from its stem with a twist. It takes 60,000 of these carefully harvested buds to yield just one kilogram of tea. Because its production is difficult and time-intensive, yellow tea has primarily been consumed by locals. As the demand for easier-to-make green tea has increased in the West, many have abandoned the production of yellow tea in favor of green, and knowledge of the yellow tea-making process is being lost in China. 



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