Green Kukicha Japanese Green Tea 1oz

Current stock: 233


Kukicha, Japanese twig tea, imparts a slightly sweeter taste than would a Sencha, yet retains that classic Japanese green tea character. It is naturally low in caffeine so is great for those wanting to limit their intake.
Insider Tip: This tea is made from Sencha, but we offer another type that is made from Gyokuro Kin, Karigane Kukicha. Give it a try and taste the difference for youself!
Caffeine Level: Low.
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Green teas are unoxidized and process by withering or wilting, followed by pan-firing or steaming, then a shaping process. During the shaping processes, further drying takes place, giving each green tea a distinct shape, character, and flavor. Often shaped by hand in places like China or Vietnam, the skill to craft these teas is passed down from generation to generation. In Japan, most of the tea processing is done mechanically, using machines and conveyor belts to steam, shape, and cool the teas. 

Ingredients: Green tea from Japan



Reviews (3)

Lynn Wilton 23rd May 2023


This is a lovely, fresh green tea with a mild kukicha flavor. I have loved kukicha in the past and found it hard to find to purchase, but Tea Smith has it. you will enjoy this tea.

Tea Fan 14th Apr 2017

The Best Tea Ever!

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