Avongrove Euphoria 1st Flush Darjeeling

Current stock: 8


This is a new garden selection for 2024.  We selected this First Flush Darjeeling tea from dozens of others for its balance and character.  This tea features the lightness of a first flush, the slight hint of astringency, and a lingering sweetness.  
Insider Tip: We do blind taste testings of Darjeelings every season to select only the best! Each flush is unique, influenced by the weather and growing conditions. Try two Darjeelings from different estates together, or perhaps two flushes from the same estate, and you will be able to discern these distinctions for yourself.
Caffeine Level: Medium.
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Darjeelings are black teas grown in India but are a Chinese plant (camellia sinensis sinesis, rather than camellia sinensis assamica). This variety produces a lighter and sweeter flavor, in contrast to the malty character of an assam tea. Darjeeling is often called 'The Champagne of Tea' because of this sweet profile, reminiscent of muscat wine.

Each tea is named for the estate it is grown on and picked at different times of the year (pickings are called flushes), which allow growers to develop the same plants into a variety of different teas. While estates in Darjeeling are most well-known for traditional black tea Darjeeling, they can also produce white, green, and oolong teas. Check out our offerings from the Doke Estate!

Ingredients: Black tea from India.



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