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Avongrove Euphoria 1st Flush Darjeeling

This is a new garden selection for 2024.  We selected this First Flush Darjeeling tea from dozens of others for its balance and character.  This tea features the lightness of a first flush, the slight hint of astringency, and a lingering sweetness...

Kumari Gold - Organic Black Tea 1oz

This is a very special black tea hand produced in small batches in Nepal at the Kanchanjangha Estate  The plucking standard is two leaves and terminal bud, and is only made in the Summer.  Careful hand rolling preserves the essential oils and compounds. ...

Shangrila - Organic Nepalese Oolong Tea 1oz

A handmade tea from the Kanchanjangha Estate which is the first organic tea garden in Nepal. This oolong is not made in the traditional style found in Taiwan or China.  The result is a darker, full-bodied cup with a nutty hint. Insider Tip: Try this...

Bai Lin - Chinese Black Tea 1oz

This Chinese black tea shows the care and skill of everyone involved in growing, picking, and making the tea. You can see plenty of golden tips, which provide a layer of smoothness.  Notice as well the cocoa notes and layers of flavors in the cup...

Sakura Ryokucha - Japanese Green Tea 1oz

Cherry Blossom time is a festive season in Japan.  Families gather for picnics under the trees as they bloom.  A special treat is this tea made with sencha, kukicha and real Sakura leaf and flower.  It has a bit of sweetness from the preserved blossom...

Karigane Gyokuro Kukicha - Japanese Green Tea 1oz

In Kyoto, Kukicha is called 'Karigane' and is produced using Gyokuro instead of Sencha. This Karigane has a special umami flavor that balances the green, vegetal flavor you love in a Kukicha.   Insider Tip: We recommend beginning with a one minute...

Green Monkey King - Chinese Green Tea 1oz

Taiping Hou Kui, or Green Monkey King, comes to us from the An Hui province. What first strikes you is the size of the leaf and the care that has been taken in processing. This green tea, grown in an area that produces orchids has a complex, yet smooth...