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Bai Lin - Chinese Black Tea 1oz

This Chinese black tea shows the care and skill of everyone involved in growing, picking, and making the tea. You can see plenty of golden tips, which provide a layer of smoothness.  Notice as well the cocoa notes and layers of flavors in the cup...

Brick - Black Chinese Tea

Enjoy a piece of tea history - add a tea brick to your collection! Tea was traditionally compressed into bricks to make it easier to transport. No longer a common practice, these bricks made the perfect display piece for any tea lover!   This style...
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Royal Yunnan - Chinese Black Tea 1oz

Full of golden tips, Royal Yunnan has a roasty aroma and a smoky-red colored liquor. Low astringency and rich flavor make this a daily treat.   Insider Tip: We use a Yunnan in several of our black tea blends. If you're a fan of this tea, try our...

Lapsang Souchong - Chinese Black Tea 1oz

Not for weak tastebuds, Lapsang Souchong is a traditional Chinese black tea that has been dried over a pine fire. Affectionately called 'campfire tea', this selection has a balance between the smoke and tea tones that is not overwhelming.   Insider Tip:...

Keemun 1st Grade - Chinese Black Tea 1oz

Keemun's liquor has a fruity/malty taste with a lingering toasty note. The leaf is small, dark and twisted, like a favorite novel.   Insider Tip: This tea is a base in many of our favorite blends. If you like a good breakfast tea, chances are you'll...

China Breakfast - Organic Black Tea 1oz

A new twist on breakfast! The roasty nose of a black Yunnan makes this a remarkable tea while remaining familiar and comforting. Organic to boost, this breakfast tea is a touch sweet and smooth, while still having the rich maltiness you look for in a...